Site Installation Project (Cardboard)


When I had Nick explaining the initial idea of this project and how we were going to pick a well traveled area, not existing at a traditional eye level. I was happy because I already knew where exactly to install my project, well at least I thought I knew where to install it until one of my classmates decided to submit my location as their own. That was a major setback right out of the gate because it meant that I had to pick a different location that met all the requirements which of course effected my project idea. I ended up finding another location which I loved more than the first location. The location was on the second floor of D&M. I decided to make a Half-cut tree house with a brick textured chimney to add more questions to the design. Why a brick textured chimney? Why have a chimney on a tree house in the first place? These are just a few questions that I wanted the viewers to ask after looking at the piece.

The initial idea involved intertwining geometric shapes to evoke a sense of unity and diversity. As we progressed, translating the sketch into the final piece proved challenging. Manipulating cardboard required precision and patience. Despite challenges, the project fostered creativity and problem-solving. Adapting the final design to fit the location forced us to think dynamically. In the end, the cardboard installation not only transformed the space but also reflected our journey in overcoming obstacles. This project was really successful because it was dynamic, had interesting textures that invite the viewer to touch the piece and from a far away, you don’t think you’re looking at cardboard. SIDENOTE: This project could be more fun if Nick reversed the process, students start with making the piece and then find the location. I found multiple places where my piece just looked like it belonged, but I had already submitted the location.

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